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Querying for Authors by guest blogger, Author Sofia Aves

Writer's picture: Dr.TonyaNagleDr.TonyaNagle

#QUERYING AUTHORS seeking traditional publishing or an agent.

Every now and then someone asks me to share info on a query format. So. Here we go.

First thing: follow the publisher’s/agent’s directions to the letter. Why? Well for a start, it’s courtesy and they’ve asked. It’s also a potential flag for what you could be like to work with.

Note: you’ve got 300 words. That’s it, including all your links for your cover letter. Not including synopsis, because that usually has its own word count specified (if requested).

Dear (name),

Para 1 - meta data and hook. Ie xxxx is a contemporary romance complete at 80k. Hook - a one line pitch.

Para 2 intro character and conflict.

Para three - stakes (what happens if your MC doesn’t get what they want?). Comps (up to three titles in your genre published recently) IF required.

Para 4 Bio - three lines max. If you’re a debut author, say so. Only relevant info in here to show who you are, and what makes you NOT a one-hit wonder.




Every link they can find you on to show you have an established author platform (if not, do this right now).

That’s it. That’s all you need.

Synopsis - usually 500w give or take. This is NOT A BLURB. It gives a pitch, then outlines the main plot points only and gives ALL spoilers including the full ending. Only provide it if they ask for it.

Hope that helps and hit me with questions any time.

Hint: if you’re stuck on conflict, character motivation or stakes there is a good chance this isn’t clear in your ms either great chance to rehash.

Level up: research loglines on Netflix. This is a great place to see how concise your pitch can be.

Boss Round: make sure you don’t lose your author voice in writing your query letter. This is you chance to demonstrate what the reader will be getting when they read your ms. Be consistent and hero your story!

EOI for marketing and publishing podcast coming soon: LINK

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